Spectrophotometric analysis of the Ryugu rock seen by MASCOT: Searching for a carbonaceous chondrite analog


Stefan Schröder1, Katharina Otto1, Hannah Scharf1, Klaus-Dieter Matz1, Nicole Schmitz1, Frank Scholten1, Stefano Mottola1, Frank Trauthan1, Alexander Koncz1, Harald Michaelis1, Ralf Jaumann2, Tra-Mi Ho3, Hikaru Yabuta4 and Seiji Sugita5


1 German Aerospace Center (DLR), Inst. of Planetary Research, Berlin, Germany

2 Freie Univ. Berlin, Inst. of Geosciences, Berlin, Germany

3 DLR, Inst. of Space Systems, Bremen, Germany

4 Dept. of Earth and Planetary Systems Science, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan

5 Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science, School of Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan

*Correspondence to: Stefan Schröder

Planetary Science Journal
Vol. , pp.



Data description

Data related to inclusion mapping:

The file inclusion_map.png is a 16-bit, single-channel PNG image that contains the locations of all inclusion and matrix pixels. There are 1441 inclusions, numbered from 1 to 1441. Pixels associated with inclusion #1 have the value 1, pixels associated with inclusion #2 have the value 2, etc. Matrix pixels have the value 1442. Pixels with value 0 are not part of the map.

The file inclusions.dat contains data on all inclusions using the same numbering scheme as in "inclusion_map.png". Description of the columns:

Column 1: inclusion number (1-1441).

Column 2: total area of the inclusion in number of pixels.

Column 3: distance to the camera aperture: average for all inclusion pixels in mm.

Column 4: distance to the camera aperture: standard deviation for all inclusion pixels in mm.

Column 5: total area of the inclusion in mm*mm.

Column 6: average phase angle of the inclusion in degrees.

Column 7-10: radiance of the inclusion for the B, G, R, and IR channels: average in W / (m * m * sr)..

Column 11-14: radiance of the inclusion for the B, G, R, and IR channels: standard deviation in W / (m * m * sr).

If an inclusion contains only a single pixel, the standard deviations are 0. Overexposed pixels were excluded from the calculation of the average radiance, which explains why some average and standard deviation values are 0.

Data related to image calibration

Image data files are provided in two binary formats: IMG (*.img) and FITS (*.fit). Both image formats have short text headers with relevant information. The data file names are:

"J_irradiance": Irradiance J in Fig. 3 (top right) and Eq. 2 in the paper.
J_irradiance (FITS)
J_irradiance (IMG)

"V1_blue_over_green" FITS IMG, "V3_red_over_green" FITS IMG , and "V4_IR_over_green" FITS IMG : color ratio frames V_i in Fig. 3 (bottom row) and Eq. 1 in the paper.

"S1_blue_stray_light" FITS IMG , "S2_green_stray_light" FITS IMG , "S3_red_stray_light" FITS IMG , and "S4_IR_stray_light" FITS IMG : stray light images S_i in Fig. 1 and Eq. 1 in the paper.

We provide four calibrated LED images (L_i in Eq. 1) for three sets (13, 14, and 15 in Table 1), one for each LED color (B, G, R, IR):
"L1_GID753_blue", "L2_GID752_green", "L3_GID751_red", and "L4_GID754_IR".

Description Set 13 Set 14 Set 15
Blue LED (FITS) L1_GID753_blue L1_GID753_blue L1_GID753_blue
Blue LED (IMG) L1_GID753_blue L1_GID753_blue L1_GID753_blue
Green LED (FITS) L2_GID752_green L2_GID752_green L2_GID752_green
Green LED (IMG) L2_GID752_green L2_GID752_green L2_GID752_green
Red LED (FITS) L3_GID751_red L3_GID751_red L3_GID751_red
Red LED (IMG) L3_GID751_red L3_GID751_red L3_GID751_red